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Below You Will Find The Answers To The Questions Asked By Our Customers About Rudraksha.

The term "Rudraksha" (botanical name: Elaeocarpus Ganitrus) is derived from the combination of "Rudra" (Shiva) and "aksha" (eyes). According to belief, Rudraksha beads originated from the tears of Lord Shiva, which fell upon the earth and transformed into trees. Ancient spiritual texts such as the Shivpurana and Shrimad Bhagvat Puran elaborate on the therapeutic properties and spiritual significance of these mystical beads, which are akin to fruits found on trees. Rudraksha beads are revered for their ability to heal on mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and material levels. The value of a Rudraksha bead is determined by various factors such as size, shape, color, beauty, and the number of cuts or faces known as "mukhis". These beads have been known to alleviate conditions ranging from blood pressure and skin problems to anxiety, stress, and insomnia, while also fostering success in business and relationships. Rudraksha trees predominantly thrive in Nepal, Indonesia, Burma, and India, with those in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal being particularly esteemed for their potency.

X-ray testing is considered the most reliable and scientifically sound method for identifying genuine rudraksha beads. A genuine rudraksha will typically exhibit compartments in the x-ray image equal to the number of faces it has. However, it's important to note that the number of visible seeds in the x-ray may not always correspond to the number of faces, as some seeds might be too small or overlapping to be clearly seen. For instance, while a 14-faced rudraksha will typically show 14 compartments in an x-ray, it may not necessarily display 14 distinct seeds.

Contrary to popular belief, methods like the copper coin test or water test are not considered reliable for assessing rudraksha authenticity. Furthermore, there is a proliferation of lab certificates being issued for purported one-faced round Nepal rudraksha, despite this being a myth. It's worth noting that there are no government-run labs dedicated to verifying rudraksha authenticity; instead, all such labs are operated by private organizations.

In the market, there is a concerning trend of manipulation, especially with higher-faced rudraksha beads and trijuti rudraksha, which are being sold at significantly lower prices. To ensure the authenticity of their purchase, customers are advised to buy from reputable organizations with a proven track record.

Nepalese rudrakshas tend to be larger, heavier, and feature deeper grooves on their faces, while Indonesian rudrakshas are smaller, lighter, and have smoother surfaces with mukhis represented by white threads. Due to their larger size, Nepalese rudrakshas offer more surface area for protection and thus may yield faster results for wearers. However, testimonials suggest that over time, both Nepalese and Indonesian rudrakshas show similar results for specific mukhis despite their initial differences. It's worth noting that the internal structure of both types of rudrakshas remains the same.

सर्वाश्रमाणां वर्णानां स्त्री शूद्राणां शिवाज्ञया।
धार्याः सदैव रुद्राक्षा यतीनां प्रणवेन हि॥ ४७॥

Translation: People of all the Varnas, Ashramas and the women should wear Rudraksha as it is Lord Shiva's command.

Shiva mahapuran chapter 25, Vidyeswar samhita

Absolutely, women can wear  Rudraksha beads. Regardless of gender, caste, or religion, these sacred beads can be worn by anyone. According to the Purvaardha Chapter 4 of the Arunachala Mahatmya in the Skanda Mahapurana, there's a tale where Mata Parvati and Lord Shiva were engaged in playful activities, during which Mata Gauri (Parvati) playfully covered Lord Shiva's eyes, resulting in darkness enveloping the world. Realizing her unintended action's consequences, Mata Parvati, out of remorse, performed meditation and removed all her precious ornaments, including Rudraksha beads from her neck, arms, and wrists. This story highlights that women can indeed wear Rudraksha beads.

Furthermore, various depictions of goddesses like Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati show them adorned with Rudraksha beads around their necks, arms, and wrists. Additionally, certain Rudraksha Mukhis (faces) are associated with Goddesses, such as the 2 mukhi governed by Ardhanarishwar (the union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati), the 7 mukhi by Goddess Lakshmi, the 9 mukhi by Goddess Durga, the 17 mukhi by Goddess Katyayani, and the 18 mukhi by Goddess Bhumi (Goddess Earth).

Numerous studies, including those led by Dr. Suhas Roy of IIT Banaras and Dr. Jayatha Kumar Sarma of SJGCHS Ayurvedic College, have investigated the healing potential of rudraksha beads. They found that rudraksha's electromagnetic properties, akin to magnets, can stabilize heartbeat and reduce blood pressure. These beads are believed to absorb excess bioenergy, restoring balance in the body, and their magnetic properties generate inductive vibrations, contributing to a sense of well-being even when not in direct contact.

Numerous Hindu ancient spiritual texts, including the Shiv Mahapuran, Shrimad Devi Bhagwat, Padma Puran, Linga Purana, Ashtamalik Upanishad, Katyayani Tantra, Mahakal Samhita, and Rudraksha Jabalo Upanishad, extensively discuss the benefits attributed to rudraksha beads.

सर्वेषामपि वक्त्राणा धोरणे यो समो भवेतू । तस्मात्सर्व प्रयत्नेन रूद्राक्ष पुत्र धारय ।।

A person who wears all Rudraksha becomes become Me. So, one should attempt from all levels to wear the divine Rudraksha.
- Shiva in the Padma Purana

रूद्राक्षधारणादेव रूद्रोर्द्रत्वामाप्नुयात् । मुनयः सत्यसङ्कल्पा ब्रम्हा ब्रम्हात्वमागतः ।।

Even Rudra attained Rudrahood only after wearing Rudraksha beads I Saints achieve the ultimate truth and Brahma attains Brahamatav.
Thus there is nothing higher than wearing Rudraksha beads in this world.
- Padma Purana

पुरूषाणा यथा विष्णुग्रहाणा च यथा रविः ।
पदीना तु यथा गङ्गा मुनीना कश्यपो यथा ।
उच्चैःश्रवाश्रक्षऽश्वाना देवानामीश्वरो यशा ।
दैवीना तु यथा गौरी तद्वच्छ्रेष्ठमिद भवत् ।।
नाऽतः पर स्तोत्र नातः परमरं व्रतम् ।
अक्षय्येषु च दानेषु रूद्राक्षस्तु विशिष्यते ।।

Just like Vishnu amongst men, Surya amongst all the planets I Ganga among rivers, Kashyap among human.
Shiva amongst all Gods, Parvati amongst all Goddesses is Highest praised II Similarly Rudraksha is the Highest amongst All.
Hence there is no Sloka or fast above Rudraksha.
- Shrimad Devi Bhagwatam

Certainly, women can wear rudraksha during pregnancy. Our ancient spiritual scriptures advocate for everyone to wear rudraksha at all times, without specifying any restrictions during pregnancy.

Additionally, it is recommended to wear Garbh Gauri rudraksha during this period to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.

Women are indeed permitted to wear rudraksha during their menstrual cycles. Rudraksha beads, considered divine gifts from Lord Shiva, are not restricted by any Vedic texts during periods. According to our ancient scriptures, it is encouraged for all individuals, regardless of gender, to consistently wear rudraksha.

Take, for example, the revered practice at the Kamakhya Devi temple in Guwahati, Assam. Here, it is celebrated that Kamakhya Devi experiences menstruation in the month of Ashaad (June), with devotees receiving red wet cloth as a sacred offering. This tradition highlights the sanctity of menstruation, contrasting with the occasional view that wearing Rudraksha during menstrual periods is considered impure.

But if a female wants to remove it during this period it's completely her choice and there is no restriction doing so.

We recommend wearing rudraksha continuously, even while sleeping, in the washroom, or during a shower, although it is not strictly necessary to do so in these situations. If wearing rudraksha causes any discomfort, it is completely acceptable to remove them. We advise against wearing rudraksha to a cremation site or engaging in sexual activities with them on. If they are worn by mistake , we suggest cleansing them with water followed by a personal purification process. This involves washing the rudraksha, placing it against a shivalingam, reciting "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" 11 times, and then putting the rudraksha back on.

The effects of Rudraksha beads typically manifest differently depending on their origin. Based on feedback from our clients, Nepal Rudraksha beads tend to exhibit noticeable effects within 12-14 days of wearing, whereas Indonesia (Java) beads may take around 28-30 days to show results. While Nepal beads often demonstrate faster and more visible outcomes initially, both types eventually yield similar results over time. We advise our clients to wear Rudraksha beads continuously for the first two weeks, and then for 12-14 hours daily thereafter, to experience maximum benefits.

खादन्मांसं पिबन्मद्यं सङ्गच्छन्नन्त्यजानपि ।
पातकेभ्यो विमुच्येत रुद्राक्षं शिरसि स्थिते ॥

Shrimad Devi Bhagvatam.

Even a person who takes non-vegetarian food and imbibes in alcohol can wear Rudraksha. Rudraksha absolves a person from all sins.

The effectiveness of rudraksha on the wearer remains unaffected by dietary choices. However, consuming a non-sattvic diet may slightly diminish the wearer's capacity to fully embrace the benefits of rudraksha. While it is not mandatory, we advise our clients who partake in non-vegetarian food and alcohol to consider removing their rudraksha during consumption as a personal practice.

To clean rudraksha, rinse it under water and gently brush away dirt from its surfaces and crevices with a dedicated new toothbrush. Monthly, you can immerse the rudraksha in warm lemon water for a few hours, then scrub it, dry it in sunlight for an hour followed by air drying under a fan for several hours. After drying, apply a light coating of a neutral oil like almond or olive oil, wiping away any excess with a tissue. For storage, place the rudraksha in a box inside the refrigerator. If you wish to wear rudraksha after a long break , clean it as described above and preferably wear it on a Monday, chanting "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" 11 times and touching it to a shivalingam before wearing. Remember, use a separate toothbrush for cleaning, avoid soaps, detergents, very hot water, and talcum powder to prevent damage to the rudraksha.

You can energize your rudraksha at home or in a temple on your own. Select a Monday or any other auspicious day, and sit facing east or north on a clean mat. Clean the rudraksha with gangajal or plain water and place it on a plate with some flowers. Sprinkle water on yourself and the rudraksha, and recite the mantra:

||ॐ अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्व वस्तां गतोपि वा
यः स्मरेत् पुण्डरि कक्षं सः
बाह्याभ्यन्तरः शुचिः ||

May all things unholy become holy, may all lower tendencies depart, just as soon as we transcend may within and without be purified!

Present offerings like flowers, sweets, or fruits to Lord Shiva, and chant "Om Namah Shivaya" 11 times. Touch the rudraksha to a shivalingam or a picture of Lord Shiva.

For different faces (mukhis) of rudraksha, chant specific seed (beej) mantra 1 time

• One Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah"
• Two Mukhi: "Om Namah"
• Three Mukhi: 'Om Kleem Namah'
• Four Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah"
• Five Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah"
• Six Mukhi: "Om Hreem Hoom Namah"
• Seven Mukhi: "Om Hoom Namah"
• Eight Mukhi: "Om Hoom Namah"
• Nine Mukhi: "Om Hreem Hoom Namah"
• Ten Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah Namah"
• Eleven Mukhi: Om Hreem Hoom Namah
• Twelve Mukhi: Om Kraum Sraum Raum Namah'
• Thirteen Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah"
• Fourteen Mukhi: "Om Namah"
• Fifteen Mukhi: "Om Hreem Namah " 
• Sixteen Mukhi: "Om Hreem Hoom Namah"
• Seventeen Mukhi: "Aum Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah"
• Eighteen Mukhi: "Om Hreem Shreem Vasudhaye Swaha"
• Nineteen Mukhi: "Om Vam Vishnave Shreeshayane Swaha"
• Twenty Mukhi: 'Om Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Brahmane Namah"
• Twenty One Mukhi: "Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshwaraye Namah"
• Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: "OmAim Hreem Yugal Rupanaye Namah"
• Trijuti: Namaha" "Om Trimurti DevayaNamah " 
• Garbh Gauri Rudraksha: 'Om Shree Gauri Ganeshaye Namah"
• Common for all mukhis: "Om Namah Shivaye".

After these rituals, your rudraksha is energized and ready to be worn.  

Note that having a rudraksha energized through a ritual (rudrabhishek) conducted by a Vedic pandit is another way to empower it.

Rudraksha beads can have an exceptionally long lifespan, often lasting for centuries, when properly cared for and maintained. We have had the privilege of observing rudrakshas that have been handed down through generations , treasures passed from grandparents to their descendants.These sacred beads can be preserved and cherished across multiple generations.(It's also worth noting that the value of rudrakshas tends to increase with each passing year). We have provided detailed instructions for the cleaning and upkeep of rudrakshas, and we strongly encourage adherence to these guidelines to ensure their longevity.

Certainly, wearing multiple Rudraksha beads in a single combination is a practice embraced by many. Each Rudraksha bead, with its unique attributes, contributes to a synergistic effect, allowing wearers to experience the combined benefits. This versatility enables individuals to tailor their Rudraksha combinations to suit specific desires or needs, and personalized guidance is often provided to help achieve optimal outcomes.

Unlike gemstones, which are often linked to astrological planets, Rudraksha beads are primarily associated with the deities governing them, as per ancient scriptures. This distinction means that Rudraksha beads, regardless of their mukhi or facet count, can be harmoniously combined without the restrictions commonly observed with gemstones, such as the incompatibility between Ruby and Blue Sapphire.

Renowned combinations like the Indra Mala, Siddha Mala, and Mahamrityunjaya Mala, which consist of various Rudraksha beads, are testament to the powerful and beneficial experiences reported by users, underscoring the unique and flexible nature of Rudraksha bead usage.

Shiva Mahapurana Chapter 25, Vidyesvara Samhita :

सर्वाश्रमाणां वर्णानां स्त्री शूद्राणां शिवाज्ञया। धार्याः सदैव रुद्राक्षा यतीनां प्रणवेन हि॥ ४७॥

Translation: People of all the Varnas, Ashramas and the women should wear Rudraksha as it is Lord Shiva's command.

According to popular legend , Rudraksha trees sprang from the tears of Lord Shiva, but there is no mention in authentic Vedic texts, including the Shiva Mahapurana, of any restrictions based on a person's religion or ethnicity regarding who can wear Rudraksha beads. In fact, these scriptures indicate that Rudraksha beads are meant for universal use.

Rudraksha beads are nature's boon to mankind, akin to how basic foods like rice and lentils nourish all humans without discrimination based on their faith. Similarly, Rudraksha beads provide their benefits universally to anyone who wears them with respect. Scientific studies on Rudraksha have shown that these beads have unique electromagnetic properties that can aid in managing stress and regulating blood pressure. They act as capacitors, storing and releasing energy to harmonize the body's chakras through resonance.

Just as various healing modalities, whether it be allopathic medicine, Ayurveda, or yoga, offer benefits to people of all backgrounds, Rudraksha beads, especially when selected under expert guidance, can aid in addressing physical, emotional, and financial challenges, thereby helping individuals reach their utmost potential.

Regardless of one's religious upbringing or current beliefs, whether one is a devout follower, agnostic, or somewhere in between, Rudraksha beads serve as tools for balancing chakras and achieving specific life goals. When worn, their energies synchronize with the wearer's body energies, focusing on addressing particular areas of need.

We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our diverse clientele , cutting across various religious backgrounds, about their experiences with Rudraksha beads.

The essential knowledge about Rudraksha is detailed in the Shiva Purana, specifically within the Vidyesvara Samhita, which focuses on the spiritual aspects rather than mundane details like attire or diet. 

The Vidyesvara Samhita section offers instructions on adorning Rudraksha beads on various body parts, accompanied by specific mantras such as the Isana Mantra, Tripurusa Mantra, Aghora Mantra, and others, making it a valuable resource for studying these mantras found in other scriptures as well.

Notably, a passage from Part 32 of the Vidyesvara Samhita addresses the transformative power of Rudraksha, suggesting that irrespective of one's past actions or current lifestyle, wearing Rudraksha can lead to redemption and personal improvement. This segment underscores the belief that the act of wearing Rudraksha itself, regardless of one's external circumstances or choices, can instigate significant positive changes in one's life.

Ancient texts do not specify strict guidelines or precautions for wearing Rudraksha beads, and their benefits are not affected by the wearer's lifestyle. We personally advise against wearing Rudraksha at crematoriums or during sexual activities, recommending a self-purification process if worn by mistake during these times.

Bhadraksha beads, known for their larger size and thorny surfaces, resemble Rudraksha beads but are distinct in several ways. Varieties from South India and Sri Lanka, derived from the Elaeocarpus Serratus species, are elongated and coarse, resembling cashew nuts, and are popularly marketed as 1 mukhi half moon beads, alongside 2, 3, and 4 mukhi elongated versions. The E. grandis species from Southeast Asia and Papua produce exceptionally large beads, ranging from 25mm to 60mm. In the Uttarakhand region of India, Elaeocarpus Oblongus species yield bhadraksha beads typically available in 1, 2, or 3 mukhi forms. Assam's variety, known for being lightweight and thornier, primarily offers 2 mukhi beads.

Bhadraksha, essentially fruit seeds, are believed to be harmless and devoid of the properties associated with the Nepalese Rudraksha variety. Originating from trees like Koenigii and Goodeniaceae, these seeds are flatter, lighter, and less thorny, commonly found as two mukhi beads without inherent holes.

The main differences between Rudraksha and Bhadraksha beads include their shape, with Bhadraksha being more compressed and flat, and their weight, as Bhadraksha is lighter due to lower density. The surface texture of Bhadraksha is also smoother and less pronounced than that of Rudraksha. While high-quality Rudraksha beads are predominantly sourced from Nepal, Bhadraksha beads are more commonly found in India and Sri Lanka.

Regarding the One Mukhi Rudraksha, it's noted that the round beads from Nepal are considered myths and often counterfeit. The South Indian half-moon or cashew nut-shaped Bhadraksha beads serve as a suitable alternative, offering all benefits from a one mukhi like improved focus and concentration, though they don't match the purported effects of the one Mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal. For better outcomes, one should rather consider the one mukhi sawar Rudraksha from Nepal as a more effective option.

It is recommended not to exchange neck malas, Japa malas, or Rudraksha beads among family members or friends . These sacred beads develop a unique bond with their wearer, making them highly personal. Once someone starts wearing a Rudraksha combination, it should not be shared with others. Instead, these spiritual items can be passed on to future generations as a part of one's legacy.

Rudraksha beads come in various facets, each with its unique properties, allowing individuals to wear a single type or a combination of different facets for enhanced benefits. Each type of Rudraksha bead offers distinct blessings, and adding more beads to an existing mala can either complement or amplify the existing energies. These combinations are particularly effective in mitigating the negative influences of planets, offering an alternative to gemstone therapy, and are known to provide comfort and peace to the wearer. Unlike certain gemstones, such as ruby and blue sapphire, which should not be worn together, any type of Rudraksha bead can be combined with another, depending on the wearer's specific requirements. Personalized combinations, recommended by our experts, can further tailor the benefits to the individual's needs.

Heavier and larger Rudraksha beads, often called collector beads, are believed to provide faster outcomes due to greater body contact area with the wearer. Yet, in the long term, the final effects of wearing either large or small beads are the same. It should also be noted that these bigger, heavier beads typically carry a higher price tag compared to the smaller, lighter options.


Below You Will Find The Answers To The Questions Asked By Our Customers About Rudradharma






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