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2 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha

As per shastras:

द्विवक्त्रस्तु मुनिश्रेष्ठ अर्धनारीश्वरो भवेत् |
धारणादर्धनारीशः प्रीयते तस्य नित्यशः ||

Shrimad devi Bhagwat puran, Ekadash skandh, chapter -7, shloka  – 24.     

“(Lord Narayana says to Sage Narada) – O thou best among sages, the Two Face Rudraksha is Lord Ardhanaareeshwar himself and he blesses the wearer of this Rudraksha (meaning the male and female energies are balanced or it can be said that the right and left hemispheres of the brain become harmonized).”

Description and Benefits:

  • Boost self-confidence and stabilize  wavering mind.
  • Helps finding a suitable partner.
  • Promotes peaceful , stable personal life. 
  • Reduce anxiety, overthinking, stress.
  • Wearer's Svadhisthana chakra (sacral chakra) is balanced , hence betters emotional well-being.
  •  Considered best bead for those with sleep disorders.
Ruling God: Ardhanarishwara
Origin : Nepal
Beej Mantra : Om Namah

Rudraksha will be provided with Certificate of Authenticity and X Ray report.

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